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Curated Programs HVAC Technician (Heat Pump Installer Specialty Only)

A heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) technician that focuses on heat pump installation, including in scenarios where an existing fossil fuel heating system is replaced in part or in full by a heat pump.  The heat pump installer specialty curriculum equips an HVAC contractor to install and commission a heat pump system.

The curriculum begins with a general overview of heat pumps, variable speed heat pumps, and heat pump retrofit options (including retrofitting existing fossil fuel heating systems to use heat pumps) in Introduction to Heat Pumps.  Thermostats for Heat Pumps and Dual-Fuel Heat Pumps covers thermostat control for heat pumps including dual fuel systems. Smart Diagnostic Tools discusses wireless probes and connected applications that streamline the commissioning and troubleshooting processes. 

This curriculum is recommended for Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers, US Department of Labor SOC 49-9021.00, and supports the Heat Pump Installation Recognition Program.

HVAC - Introduction to Heat Pumps


  • Describe what an air source heat pump is and what it can be used for.
  • Remember key terms related to sizing and design of heat pumps.
  • Know the customer benefits of ASHPs.


  • Understand how a heat pump moves heat.
  • Understand the different types of heat pumps.
  • What are the different heat pump options when looking for alternatives for homes that are currently heated by a gas furnace or boiler?
  • Understand the market trends for heat pumps and the benefits of switching to heat pumps in existing homes.
  • Understand the business case for ASHP installation services.


  • What should a person consider before installing an air source heat pump?
  • What should an HVAC installer consider about the ductwork and condensate drain in an existing home before installing a heat pump?
  • Be able to compare the operating costs of ASHPs and fossil fuel heating systems.
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HVAC - Cold Climate Heat Pump Sizing (Level 2)

HVAC - Smart Diagnostic Tools


  • Know the impact of quality HVAC installation.
  • Understand aspects of quality HVAC installation and how smart tools can be applied.


  • Know the definition of smart diagnostic tools and their components.


  • Understand an example of how smart diagnostic tools can be applied to the task of charging refrigerant.
  • Understand how smart diagnostic tools can be applied to commissioning.
  • Understand how smart diagnostic tools can be applied to troubleshooting and diagnostics.
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HVAC - Thermostats for Heat Pumps and Dual-Fuel Heat Pumps


  • Learn what a thermostat is and what it does.


  • Understand why smart thermostat control is important for heat pumps.
  • Understand when different components of dual fuel systems should operate.
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HVAC - Preventative Maintenance


  • What is preventative maintenance, and who is responsible for this type of maintenance?
  • Understand key terms relevant for preventative maintenance of HVAC systems.
  • Understand the type of problems a technician may encounter when assessing HVAC system maintenance.


  • Understand the general steps for HVAC contractors carrying out maintenance inspections for HVAC Systems.
  • Understand the general steps for HVAC contractors carrying out cleaning restoration for HVAC systems.
  • Understand how a homeowner can perform preventative maintenance on a ductless air source heat pump.


  • Understand the inspection and maintenance tasks for different heat pump HVAC systems and their components.
  • Understand how to perform standardized cleaning on HVAC systems and ductwork.
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