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Getting Started

Looking to add building science to your curriculum but don’t know where to start?

Building Science Education is a collection of training resources developed by the Department of Energy and its collaborators. On this site, you will find everything from entry-level course resources to in-depth training modules on building science. All of these materials are free to download and share.

Green Buildings 101

Discover short, colorful handouts and slides on building science topics to add to your program. Go to Energy Basics Training Tool.

Training Modules by Technology Area

Explore in-depth training modules on individual topics to see how building science can be incorporated into your existing curriculum. Get inspired to add new building science topics to your programs. These resources include lecture notes, problem sets and answers, slide decks, and other video and text resources. Go to Training Modules by Technology Area.

Training Modules by Occupation

Find building science training materials customized to a job classification. Select an occupation and view the relevant training materials, curated from the training modules, for that field. Go to Training Modules by Occupation.

Energy Skilled Recognition

Learn about the Department of Energy's Energy Skilled recognition program. Energy Skilled recognition distinguishes training programs, certifications, degrees, and licenses that prepares the workforce to perform high-quality work with new energy-efficient technologies.  Go to Energy Skilled Recognition.

View the Contributors and Collaborators to learn about people and organizations that have helped create Building Science Education training material and those that have incorporated Building Science Education into their training and certification programs.