Guidance for contractors for duct retrofits where the cost and benefit analysis is detailed. Includes duct evaluation and ductwork test (duct leakage testing), duct sizing, cost estimates of retrofits.
Resource Library
Showing results 41 - 60 of 186
Illustration of a Ducted Heat Pump System
Illustration of a Ductless Mini-Split heat pump system
Video that discusses electrical and plumbing penetrations in homes.
Detail view of a standard residential electrical panel with and without cover and labels
standard electrical panel for a residential building with labels
Main breaker for a residential building
standard NEMA 5-15 plug pulled from the wall with labels
Presentation on electrical panels
standard residential outlet with and without labels
Three presentations that cover a wide variety of topics. Types and comparison of air to air heat pumps, sizing electric space heating. Heat pump sizing calculations and illustration of the spaces. And codes/permission checklist educational content for energy auditors.
Presentation broken down into two primary sections for installation requirements of HPWH's and sizing. Includes useful graphics and notes. The slides are verbose and stand on their own.
People have been using the same light bulb since Thomas Edison invented it about 130 years ago. Today, there are more lighting options in stores that will save you energy and money.
Description: In this edition of Energy 101, we talk about Lumens. When you're shopping for light bulbs, compare lumens to be sure you're getting the amount of light, or level of brightness, you want. For more information on lighting, visit
This video helps describe what lumens are and how they relate to the energy use in buildings.
This is an example of an NFRC label.
The Building Science Education Solution Center (BSESC) website is a valuable source of training tools and information on heat pump water heaters (HPWHs). However, for those seeking further knowledge and additional information on HPWHs, a selection of external resources is listed. The inclusion of...
The Building Science Education Solution Center (BSESC) website is a valuable source of training tools and information on heat pump water heaters (HPWHs). However, for those seeking further knowledge and additional information on HPWHs, a selection of external resources is listed. The inclusion of...
The Building Science Education Solution Center (BSESC) website is a valuable source of training tools and information on heat pump water heaters (HPWHs). However, for those seeking further knowledge and additional information on HPWHs, a selection of external resources is listed. The inclusion of...
An HVAC contractor installs a 4-inch-thick MERV 13 filter at the intake grille of this return air vent to prevent dust, allergens, smoke, and viruses from entering the duct system.