Main breaker for a residential building
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standard NEMA 5-15 plug pulled from the wall with labels
standard residential outlet with and without labels
Three presentations that cover a wide variety of topics. Types and comparison of air to air heat pumps, sizing electric space heating. Heat pump sizing calculations and illustration of the spaces. And codes/permission checklist educational content for energy auditors.
Presentation broken down into two primary sections for installation requirements of HPWH's and sizing. Includes useful graphics and notes. The slides are verbose and stand on their own.
Description: In this edition of Energy 101, we talk about Lumens. When you're shopping for light bulbs, compare lumens to be sure you're getting the amount of light, or level of brightness, you want. For more information on lighting, visit
The Energy Department's Oak Ridge National Laboratory entered into a cooperative R&D agreement with GE to finalize and performance test the company's GeoSpring hybrid water heater -- one of the most efficient electric heat pump water heaters on the market today that is saves the the average...
A Companion to NEEP’s Guide to Sizing & Selecting Air-Source Heat Pumps in Cold Climates
A companion to NEEP's Guide to Installing Air-Source Heat Pumps in Cold Climates
A diagram that gives a detail schematic of how heat pumps work in HVAC systems.
Video describing heat pump water heaters.
Video describing heat pump water heaters.
Midwest-focused heat pump factsheet covering: Heat Pump Benefits: Utility Bill Savings & Combating Climate Change Types of Heat Pumps Installation Costs Utility Bill Case Studies
A quick sheet on electrical panel upgrades to facilitate the installation of heat pump technology. This is more focused for the homeowner to determine if they have the capacity for new appliance upgrades or if they need to hire a contractor for the upgrade.
Guide for code enforcement and code user's review. It also gives contractors and designers an idea of what inspect during permitting and inspection processes. For HVAC heat pumps.
Guide for code enforcement and code users review. It also gives contractors and designers an idea of what inspect during permitting and inspection processes. For HPWH.
Image of HVAC Filter
This image shows the major components of an HVAC system. The outdoor compressor is purple, the return ducts are blue, the supply ducts are red, and the the thermostat is orange.
ICF Installation