In this guide, you will learn how to choose the most suitable type of heat pump system according to the specific requirements of your project.
Resource Library
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The Impact of Buildings Using Energy
In this video, the fundamental concepts of power and energy are described to provide a baseline understanding of these two important terms. Discussion includes dimensions, units, and example calculations associated with power and energy.
Video that details and explains Building and Energy Codes.
Basic Video on the on the introduction of Heat Pump systems
Technical video on water heating. Not Heat pump specific. This video addresses ways to produce hot water and the energy impacts of using hot water in a building.
In this video, we will discuss the most common technologies for heating water, including storage, tankless, heat pump, and solar water heaters. We will also discuss best practices for saving energy with water heating systems.
This building contains a balanced system.
This image represents a plumbing layout that can be used to help determine if WaterSense criteria is met.
Map that details information on the electrification of California infrastructure.
User guide for tools in Cold Climate Heat Pump sizing
Commercial Building Energy Code Adoption Map
Guidance for contractors on how to install smart control systems of two-systems for temperature controls. Additionally, it has calculations for energy costs of and fuel types to use for most efficiency.
Guidance for contractors on how to install smart control systems of two-systems for temperature controls. Focus on educating homeowners.
Video presentation explaining whole-house moisture management strategies and energy efficiency at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
This image shows some of the basic window components of a double pane window.
Guidance for contractors for duct retrofits where the cost and benefit analysis is detailed. Includes duct evaluation and ductwork test (duct leakage testing), duct sizing, cost estimates of retrofits.