This video describes how to encourage daylighting design in buildings to save on energy costs associated with overhead lighting.
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Define Air Leakage
The movement of heat directly through solid materials from molecule to molecule is known as ____________ . Conduction Convection Radiation
Define SHGC
Define what “robustness” means as one of the three key features of infrastructure resilience.
Disaster Resistance and Resilience Resources
These lecture notes provide detailed information related to the learning objectives in level 1 of the disaster resistance and resiliency module.
These lecture notes provide detailed information related to the learning objectives in level 2 of the disaster resistance and resiliency module.
These lecture notes provide detailed information related to the learning objectives in level 3 of the disaster resistance and resiliency module.
These lecture notes provide detailed information related to the learning objectives in level 4 of the disaster resistance and resiliency module.
Video presentation explaining whole-house moisture management strategies and energy efficiency at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
This image shows some of the basic window components of a double pane window.
These lecture notes provide information about the efficiency ratings of HVAC systems.
The cooling efficiency for combustion heating equipment is expressed in terms of: AFUE SEER HVAC HSPF
People have been using the same light bulb since Thomas Edison invented it about 130 years ago. Today, there are more lighting options in stores that will save you energy and money.
Description: In this edition of Energy 101, we talk about Lumens. When you're shopping for light bulbs, compare lumens to be sure you're getting the amount of light, or level of brightness, you want. For more information on lighting, visit
This video helps describe what lumens are and how they relate to the energy use in buildings.
These lecture notes provide information about which energy efficiency measures can affect indoor air quality in buildings.
Which of the following statements is not true about how an energy standard is developed and revised? A. The entire process can take as little as two years or up to 10 years. B. Public review of standards commonly occurs 1 year after one of the ASHRAE annual meetings. C. Standards 90.1 and 90.2 are...
What is the requirement for strengthening unreinforced masonry bearing walls – specifically related to roof repair or replacement in buildings in Portland, OR? What was the effective date that the ordinance was required (google allowed to find answer)?