The Impact of Buildings Using Energy
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In this video, the fundamental concepts of power and energy are described to provide a baseline understanding of these two important terms. Discussion includes dimensions, units, and example calculations associated with power and energy.
Video that details and explains Building and Energy Codes.
This building contains a balanced system.
This image represents a plumbing layout that can be used to help determine if WaterSense criteria is met.
This is a list of excellent codes and standards references that can provide material and tools for training.
Commercial Building Energy Code Adoption Map
This presentation provides helpful visual aid to supplipent lecture notes related to conduction losses in buildings.
This presentation provides some slides for trainers teaching students about convection
This video describes how to encourage daylighting design in buildings to save on energy costs associated with overhead lighting.
Disaster Resistance and Resilience Resources
Video presentation explaining whole-house moisture management strategies and energy efficiency at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
This image shows some of the basic window components of a double pane window.
People have been using the same light bulb since Thomas Edison invented it about 130 years ago. Today, there are more lighting options in stores that will save you energy and money.
Description: In this edition of Energy 101, we talk about Lumens. When you're shopping for light bulbs, compare lumens to be sure you're getting the amount of light, or level of brightness, you want. For more information on lighting, visit
This video helps describe what lumens are and how they relate to the energy use in buildings.
This is an example of an NFRC label.
An HVAC contractor installs a 4-inch-thick MERV 13 filter at the intake grille of this return air vent to prevent dust, allergens, smoke, and viruses from entering the duct system.
The Energy Department's Oak Ridge National Laboratory entered into a cooperative R&D agreement with GE to finalize and performance test the company's GeoSpring hybrid water heater -- one of the most efficient electric heat pump water heaters on the market today that is saves the the average...
This handout can be altered to provide the basis for a homework problem.