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Disaster Resistance and Resilience

Although often used interchangeably, within the building profession, disaster resistance refers to the ability to resist the onset and impact of a disaster, and disaster resilience refers to the ability to absorb the impact of a disaster. This module will provide information on how building science can help ensure that buildings remain standing during disasters while being energy efficient.



  1. Remember

    • List the four fundamental principles of resistance for all-hazard building design.
    • List the three key features of resilience in infrastructures.
  2. Understand

    • Explain how the four key principles of building resistance and the three key features of infrastructure resilience are applied to protect buildings from disasters.
    • Explain why building codes and industry standards are at the core of (essential to) effective disaster resistant and resilient building.
  3. Apply

    • Identify and explain the role of 3 building-related stakeholders that are affected in a natural disaster.
    • Applying relevant building codes, demonstrate in writing how a residential building meets resistance and resiliency specifications for one type of natural disaster for your climate zone and local area.
  4. Analyze

    • Analyze and then provide specific examples in writing to demonstrate how applied building science has been used to make buildings more disaster resistant and resilient than traditional building practices.
    • Analyze and summarize in writing with one specific example how disaster resistant and resilient design can also be energy-efficient design, and as a result, cost efficient over time.

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