In this guide, you will learn how to choose the most suitable type of heat pump system according to the specific requirements of your project.
Resource Library
Showing results 1 - 20 of 26
This is a list of excellent codes and standards references that can provide material and tools for training.
User guide for tools in Cold Climate Heat Pump sizing
Guidance for contractors on how to install smart control systems of two-systems for temperature controls. Additionally, it has calculations for energy costs of and fuel types to use for most efficiency.
Guidance for contractors on how to install smart control systems of two-systems for temperature controls. Focus on educating homeowners.
Disaster Resistance and Resilience Resources
Guidance for contractors for duct retrofits where the cost and benefit analysis is detailed. Includes duct evaluation and ductwork test (duct leakage testing), duct sizing, cost estimates of retrofits.
This handout can be altered to provide the basis for a homework problem.
A Companion to NEEP’s Guide to Sizing & Selecting Air-Source Heat Pumps in Cold Climates
A companion to NEEP's Guide to Installing Air-Source Heat Pumps in Cold Climates
Midwest-focused heat pump factsheet covering: Heat Pump Benefits: Utility Bill Savings & Combating Climate Change Types of Heat Pumps Installation Costs Utility Bill Case Studies
Guide for code enforcement and code user's review. It also gives contractors and designers an idea of what inspect during permitting and inspection processes. For HVAC heat pumps.
An extensive guide on old water heater replacement for efficient HPWH. Provides helpful checklists for before, during, and after HPWH installations.
Guide for code enforcement and code users review. It also gives contractors and designers an idea of what inspect during permitting and inspection processes. For HPWH.
Provides information of the different technologies and designs that can be used and implemented in buildings. It presents each technology and design with advantages and disadvantages. For air heat pump and water heating
This document provides an exercise for students to match plumbing terms with thier definitions.
University of Minnesota - Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering (BBE) 4414/5414: Advanced Building Science Fundamentals Lab 4 - Thermal Insulation (2016, Regents of the University of Minnesota)
University of Minnesota - Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering (BBE) 4414/5414: Advanced Building Science Fundamentals Lab 5 - Fenestration (2016, Regents of the University of Minnesota)
Chapter 11 of Renewable Energy Systems for Building Designers, based on heat pumps and their advantages as a means for heating and cooling the indoor environment.