Modern controllers for apartment boilers allow remote tracking and save energy. Source: BASC Image Gallery
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This image shows a building with more exhaust air than supply air.
This building contains a balanced system.
This image shows a building with more supply air than exhaust air.
This image represents a plumbing layout that can be used to help determine if WaterSense criteria is met.
Map that details information on the electrification of California infrastructure.
Commercial Building Energy Code Adoption Map
Core: Smaller pipes to nearby fixtures. Requires thoughtful design of plumbing fixtures. Saves hot water with smaller, shorter pipes.
Demand Re-circulation Plumbing Layout
This image shows some of the basic window components of a double pane window.
Illustration of a Ducted Heat Pump System
Illustration of a Ductless Mini-Split heat pump system
Detail view of a standard residential electrical panel with and without cover and labels
standard electrical panel for a residential building with labels
Main breaker for a residential building
standard NEMA 5-15 plug pulled from the wall with labels
standard residential outlet with and without labels
This is an example of an NFRC label.
An HVAC contractor installs a 4-inch-thick MERV 13 filter at the intake grille of this return air vent to prevent dust, allergens, smoke, and viruses from entering the duct system.
Grid-interactive efficient building. Used in DOE's Building Technologies Office's (BTO) Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings fact sheet: Image courtesy of Navigant Consulting.