Image of HVAC Filter
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This image shows the major components of an HVAC system. The outdoor compressor is purple, the return ducts are blue, the supply ducts are red, and the the thermostat is orange.
A presentation that details the different parts of a building that can be addressed for an all-electric transition (HVAC, Water) and the steps needed to make to enact these changes.
Provides information of the different technologies and designs that can be used and implemented in buildings. It presents each technology and design with advantages and disadvantages. For air heat pump and water heating
Manifold Plumbing Layout
Educational video on ductless mini-splits
Picking Up After a Disaster
A best practice guide for the installation of HPWH. Covers a slew of topics that serve as decision guidance for installation locations, size and other considerations.
Sealed Plumbing Penetration
Design strategies for systems where a heat pump is being added as a partial load, instead of the whole system. Details the benefits and shows cost saving calculations. Target audience is heat pump installers.
Factsheet for the different types of air source heat pumps.
This video is for anyone who works with heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, water heaters, insulation, windows, and electrical in homes, and wants to learn about home energy efficiency and electrification incentive programs. It focuses primarily on single-family homes, but...
Guidance on weatherization of the home in order to maximize the energy saving potentials of installing a heat pump system. Also focus on increasing customer satisfaction.
Guidance on weatherization of the home in order to maximize the energy saving potentials of installing a heat pump system. Also focus on informing homeowners.
This image shows some of the more complex window componetns of a double pane window.
Guidance for home owners who recently installed a heat pump system. This informs homeowners how to operate and maintain the heat pump system.