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Cold Climate Heat Pumps Sizing - Problem Set 3.2


1. Reference Figure 10, an example heat pump and design load graph for a variable capacity heat pump on the NEEP database. Match the following terms with the appropriate location on the graph.

1) ____ Design temperature

2) ____ Heat pump minimum capacity line

3) ____ Heat pump maximum capacity line

4) ____ House heating load line

5) ____ Balance point temperature

6) ____ Design heating load

7) ____ Temperature where low-load cycling begins


2. How can the balance point temperature be determined using a heating load and capacity chart?

  1. By finding the intersection of the home’s heating load line and the system’s maximum heating capacity line
  2. By finding the intersection of the home’s heating load line and the system’s minimum heating capacity line
  3. By finding the intersection of the home’s heating load line and the design temperature line
  4. By finding the intersection of the system’s maximum heating capacity line and the design temperature line


3. Which of the following is NOT a key metric of a heat pump when sizing for heating?

  1. Minimum heating capacity at design heating temperature
  2. Maximum heating capacity at design heating temperature
  3. Minimum heating capacity at 47°F


4. How should the cooling load be used when sizing for heating?

  1. Disregard the cooling load
  2. The cooling load should be greater than the minimum cooling capacity and less than the maximum capacity
  3. The cooling load should be greater than the maximum cooling capacity
  4. The cooling load should be less than the minimum cooling capacity