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Business Case for HPWHs - Level 3.2

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1)    When offering a bid for a HPWH to a customer with an existing standard electric tank, what factors would you use to overcome the objection to a higher price water heater?

2)    What other trades could you promote your company to in order to get leads of potential clients that are likely to purchase HPWHs?

3)    When ducting or venting is required to overcome the lack of the required volume, what are some extra costs to include in the cost estimate?

4)    What information about a potential HPWH install can you gather from pictures of the existing water heater?

5)    What are good questions to ask the homeowner in order to help with sizing the tank to maximize efficiency?

6)    Create a list of items you would include on a one-page flyer describing what a HPWH and its benefits.